Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Blog Reborn

Sir Henry Clinton surveys the battlefield in our most recent contest: "Lafayette Gets His Chance!" 

We'll use this pic to launch the new version of this blog of our efforts to record our adventures in Historical Miniatures Wargaming.  We are a small group of gamers in NE Ohio centered around Mentor, Ohio and some of us have been at this hobby for over 40 years.  Now that Dave and I (Rich) are both retired, we hope to: increase our gaming frequency and quality and use this blog as a communications and sharing tool.

Our gaming right now as been focused entirely on 28mm American War Of Independence (AWI) games and we have been working on taking those games to Gaming conventions both here (NOWS) and to the three conventions sponsored by HMGS ( Cold Wars, Historicon and Fall In!).  We have put on two games so far and "Lafayette" will be our third effort.  The plan is to put "Lafayette" on at  NOWSCON in October and Fall In! in November, so the game is in the playtest stage now.

Our current work is to improve on terrain by building more fences (Dave) and for the two sides, painting some additional units (Rich).  Also thinking about and going to try a new method of making roads, the current method is simple, two lines of brown grit laid down on he felt tablecloth in parallel lines to simulate dirt roads with grass growing in between the wagon wheel ruts.  The fences are made from split wooden match sticks and then painted a weathered grey with an airbrush. 

Over the past few years, 7-8?, Dave and I have embarked on painting "projects" to get us motivated, a little friendly nudging helps.  Since then we have painted (between the two of us) four  WAB 2800 pt armies: Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Pyrhics and Carthaginians, AWI forces for both sides and we just started a Napoleonics project.  I'll be posting pictures soon of all of these.

For now, we are trying to establish some regular gaming times and grow our group.  We will work for now with running playtests of "Lafayette" and will try to put together a WAB Campaign.  Between the two of us we can field six full WAB armies, so we have four "loaners" for those who want to play, but don't have an army.  They might go fast so it will be first come, first served to take Normans, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons or Greeks.  One of our group is going to paint up some Romans and knowing how fast he paints, they might be ready by the time we get going on this campaign.  Well, that's it for now, and anyone wanting to get in on this campaign or join us in our current Napoleonics Project is welcome.  Drop me a note!

Paint, Paint, Paint!


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