Thursday, November 26, 2015

Fall In! 2015

Well, Dave and I made the trek to Lancaster once again with the intent to play Carnage & Glory and to put on two games of it.  As usual, we talked and planned wargaming on the drive and decided to focus our painting project on the Hundred Days campaign in 1815.  It's funny how things progress when you are focusing on a topic.  As we walked through the hotel lobby on Friday morning we saw that a gamer had set up two tables to run some 6mm games.  Now, 6mm is a bit small for my eyes to see, but the terrain maps were so good looking that we stopped to have a look.  It turns out that the guy was running an 1815 campaign based on a board game called Napoleon 1815.  He said that it was in its 4th edition and is his favorite board game of all.  This sparked our interest because we are looking for a campaign battle system while we are waiting eagerly for Nigel Marsh's upcoming campaign system for Carnage & Glory.  So, now we went in search of a game to buy, to the dealer's hall and the flea markets.  We searched the dealers area and no luck, but we did pass the search on to Erik, Dave's son who had joined us, taking a vacation day while in Philly for work.

Our first game together was put on by one of our favorite GMs, John Sneed.  John usually runs Napoleonic games using C&G and we always try to sign up for one.  This game was a hypothetical fight set early after Napoleon crossed the Belgian frontier in 1815, our target time period.  Dave and I fought on opposite sides but not against each other.  I played the allies and it was great fun because of the variety of troop types on our side.  We had Dutch, Hanoverian, Brunswick and British contingents ranging in quality from Hanoverian and Dutch militia to British highlanders.  Although I lost the game, I had a fun time playing.

On Saturday, Dave and I put on two games of AWI Carnage & GloryII.  The scenario was "Lafayette Gets His Chance!" which I described in an earlier post.  Both games went well, but the evening game was extra fun because our great, good friend Mike joined us along with Erik.  We haven't gamed with Mike for years and it was just wonderful to see him again.  I'll let Erik describe his game.

Let's get busy painting!


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